148 years have passed since establishment of Azerbaijan National Press

22 July 2023, 10:00

Today, 148 years have passed since establishment of the National Press of Azerbaijan. Since 1991, July 22, when the first press in country - “Əkinçi” newspaper, founded by Hasan Bey Zardabi, began to be published, has been celebrated as National Press Day in Azerbaijan. Although only 56 issues of “Əkinçi” were published from July 22, 1875 to September 1877, it played an invaluable role in formation of Azerbaijani national press. Since then, the Azerbaijani press, which has gone through various periods of decline and renaissance, has always played the role of a mirror reflecting the society's view of the processes. The abolition of censorship in August 1998 gave a serious impetus to the development of the press in Azerbaijan.

“Neftçi” PFC family congratulates the media representatives and wishes them success in their activities! Happy National Press and Journalism Day!